Chapel of Saint Catherine-Tabernacle by Benozzo Gozzoli

Oratorio di Santa Caterina
& Tabernacolo di BENOZZO GOZZOLI

The Oratory of Santa Caterina, located just outside Legoli, is a place of great artistic and historical value. Built in 1822 as a funerary chapel by a local family, it is famous for hosting the rural tabernacle by Benozzo Gozzoli, the Italian artist. Gozzoli began this work in 1478 after fleeing from Pisa due to a plague epidemic.

The work consists of a large rectangular masonry pillar, divided into four niches and entirely frescoed. The frescoes clearly depict themes related to death and suffering caused by the epidemic.
Among the most notable scenes, the Crucifixion of Christ stands out, with the presence of the Virgin Mary and the saints Francis, Dominic, and John the Evangelist. Other intense scenes include the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian and the Doubt of Saint Thomas, where the apostle touches the wound in Jesus' side.

In the oratory, there are also frescoes depicting the Annunciation, the Evangelists, the Church Fathers with a blessing Christ in the center, and a Holy Conversation with three angels holding a curtain, along with a Christ carrying the cross in the background of a medieval city.

Chapel of Saint Catherine

Cappella di
Santa Caterina

Location: Legoli
Type: Church
Address: Via Benozzo Gozzoli, 23A
Opening Hours: Always open
Admission Fee: Free
Divisore SVG


Entrance to the Chapel of Saint Catherine
Entrance to the Chapel of Saint Catherine
Entrance to the Chapel of Saint Catherine2
Entrance to the Chapel of Saint Catherine
Information about the Church
Information about the Church
Tabernacle by Benozzo Gozzoli exhibited in the Church
Tabernacle by Benozzo Gozzoli exhibited in the Church